/ / Posts tagged "copywriting"


5 Rules To Follow When Creating Social Media Content

With over 1,200 posts this year already and 20 million views to date on his work, marketing and social media guru, Josh Fechter, gives us these five rules to follow when creating new social media content:   1. Long-form posts If you don't use spacing, then no one will read it. Keep a maximum of two sentences in a paragraph. Focus on driving ONE learning lesson home, or you'll lo...
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How Fresh is Your Content?

When looking for a new product or service - most of us begin our search online. We'll start with a visit to Google, Bing or one of the other popular UK search engines.  We type in our keywords and voila! – up pops a whole host of individual websites, recommendation and review sites (such as Trip Advisor); plus forums relating to that particular topic. Then, after clicking through a couple...
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